首次来加 独家超短期限供,04年刚过19岁生日,年轻无丰富经验但是会听话温驯,100%全真本人照片,初印象超嫩超可爱、高颜值好身材妥妥小美女一枚,精致的漂亮瓜子小脸,又大又圆娇媚美眸,高挺直鼻,樱桃小嘴巴,瀑布长发,气场温温柔柔毫无攻击力,柔弱无骨激起满满蹂躏欲~
身材娇小玲珑,骨肉匀称肤质紧实。前凸后翘 看似纤细实则超有料,脱衣瞬间惊喜弹跳出C杯大白兔,肌肤光洁如缎,肤色白皙通透,紧窄销魂小洞,体质敏感水多多💦只短期停留,喜欢嫩款可爱漂亮校园美女的赶紧冲
WOW..!!! NEW Arrived young beautiful and cute * *real 19years only, from Japan. First time visit to Canada, super fresh ,natural big boobs,she has a perfect curvy body pretty looks, seductive big eyes to steal your heart from the beginning. She is your perfect girl for dating with. GFE real school girlfriend feeling… short stay ,don't miss this rare opportunity.
Rose 220/30m