New college girl *Angela*=abby. Part-time student so please don't miss,163cm- 53kg, 34b-24-34- all natural .she has an amazing shaped body with a perfect ass. Angela is young, friendly and full of smiles. Her English is perfect like everything else about her! Dont miss out! She won't be here for long!
欢迎留学生客串兼职**Angela *=abby,163-53kg-34b-24-34-全天然,完美的比例身材,肥瘦恰到好处, 妩媚的眼神,芊细的美腿,,从小跟随父母居住上学在加拿大,可流利英文交流,谈吐大方,知性温柔,绝对是一位最佳的谈心好知己,会带给你一种似曾相识的亲切,,,快快预约亲临体验,深喉口,撩人的床技,呜呜....让你一试难忘,留恋往返.....
we only provide"date -matching"service to help everyone's dreaming date to come true ,with our hottest models, fees are applied for date meeting time and companionship only,all the customers and models must be over 19yrs.if anything else happens between consenting's thire own choice and unexpected coincidence.)
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