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ASB highly recommended ,all good feedback 👍 100%Satisfied,Last day9/23
Brand new young and beautiful mixed *Honey*100%real young sweet beautiful girl,Thai and USA Mixed,speak good english,,First time come to toronto, ,Fresh of the market. Give This Rookie a chance to seduce you and make you the happiest man alive. she has long black hair down to her waist and sweet pretty little smiley V face and curvy Slim body service AAAA+,,she can also do professional thai massage ,relax your tired body and your mind,ASB confidence guarantee she 'is the girl you deserve,only for short stay 10 days ,last day 9/23 ,don't miss this real gem,CIM and RIM 45mins and up included, ,100%real pics,
重磅来袭,首次来加本店第一手新鲜漂亮混血儿*Honey*,100%真实青春美少女,泰国和美国混血,可英文交流,服务乖巧听话,销魂后还可以专业泰式按摩和她那阳光灿烂的笑容可以治愈你疲劳的心身,ASB 信心保证她你值得拥有的女孩,混血基因赢在起跑线,紧致立体五官,天然鹅蛋巴掌大小脸,无死角.乌黑飘逸长发,身材绝对是女娲炫技之作,鬼斧神工极限性感全天然👙车头灯,健康肤色,腰围仅24极致纤细紧实小蛮腰,低体脂率肌肉线条清晰,性格无敌好,健谈,爱交流,市面难寻资源,预约45分钟以上赠送深喉口bao+加毒龙 ,只短期停留10天,最后一天9/23号,仅昙花一现~ 颜控/身材控的哥哥们抓紧,切莫错失,100%真实照片
Rose 220/30m
Rose400/60 2s