ASB 重磅来袭,本店第一手独家特邀00后*Hitomi*21岁,首次来加,!性感尤物青春美少女,一头瀑布般的乌黑健康秀发,天然34D吸收波~妩媚妖娆而不失可爱,,五官明艳精致,桃花眼高鼻梁,性感Q润花瓣唇,嫩滑Q弹婴儿饱满脸真的是弹指可破嫩滑到让你忍不住要咬一口,,顾盼生辉巧笑嫣然~168CM 高挑,前凸后翘欧美S类型,笔直腿,白皙牛奶肌零毛孔,,正是蜜桃甜熟时,色气满满青春无敌,!谈吐温柔举止闷骚多情,互动绝佳芳心纵火犯!短期随缘供应,颜控+可爱型/胸控/可选,预约45分钟以上赠送深喉口bao,视频+200,100%真实照片
Newest ASB exclusive, *Hitomi*,first time in toronto,Smooth skin like a baby's plump face and sweet waves, with bright and delicate features, beautiful peach blossom eyes and high nose, sexy and moist petal lips, 168CM like european and american girl with a body , long beautiful legs, long black hair like waterfall,white milk skin, Gentle in speech, sullen and affectionate in demeanor, excellent in interaction! -short stay, don’t miss out,CIM 45mins and up included, video+200,100%realpics